Postural Correction in Fenchurch Street & London Bridge
Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture is essential for maintaining a healthy body. When your spine is not in proper alignment the back muscles, ligaments, discs and joints are all put under unnecessary extra stress. This can cause muscle strain, joint stiffness, increased wear and tear on your discs and ultimately pain.
Good posture makes you look great, feel more energetic and project confidence. It also helps prevent injury and reduce pain.
Changing your posture is hard! You will have to change old habits and learn new motor patterns.
Our physios will help guide you in this process by identifying any tight or weak muscles (muscle imbalances) that may be causing you to maintain a poor posture and also any joint stiffness of hypo mobility (lack of movement) that may cause poor posture. They will assess the alignment of your spine, pelvis and sacrum and assess to see if you have a leg length difference.
By using a variety of treatment techniques our physios will then correct your alignment, muscle imbalance, nerve extensibility and ensure you have the strength in your stability and core muscles to maintain your new improved posture!